Mission Statement & Philosophy
Provide an opportunity for fun, safe, and healthy activities for Missouri Kids and their families to unplug from technology and get involved in the great outdoors.
Provide assistance to parents/guardians on how to establish boundaries and guidelines for continued success in keeping “Missouri Kids Unplugged”.
Here is the crew! (Our board members)

The average amount of time a child spends plugged into electronics in a single day is seven hours! This is based off of studies done by American Academy of Pediatrics (aap.org.) The AAP recommends a child only having two hours of access daily. Any more time than this recommended amount also contributes sleeping and eating disorders, slouching posture, carpal tunnel, neck and eye strain along with the other issues listed above.
MKU wants to educate children and their parents through hands on presentations of the following: composting, a community organic garden, basic first aid training, exercise, healthy eating choices, recycling, communication skills and educate them on the detriment of being plugged in too often.
As adults, some of our fondest memories growing up were family gatherings, camping, fishing or just sitting around the bonfire with friends.
When being social meant hanging out not posting our every move with a smart phone.
MKU wants to give kids of today a chance to create those same memories by unplugging from technology and plugging into what nature has to offer.
Our location
(Physical Address) 7440 State Highway B
Dittmer, MO, 63023
(Mailing Address) P.O. Box 93 Morse Mill, MO 63066